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Bollé Safety

The vision of a specialist

Technical performance above and beyond standard:
Improved frame ergonomics, innovative glass coatings…
We develop new technologies and offer increasingly highperformance protection, providing more comfort and greater safety… To the point where some products exceed the required standards.

Design which defies limitations:
Technical constraints for safety spectacles should not restrict their design. We believe that style is essential to making people want to wear them and by combining both technology and aesthetics our imagination has no limits.

Commitment which exceeds expectations:
Offering customised protection, providing tailored solutions to complex specifications, adapting to the specific constraints of each market, reacting quickly to new requirements… Every day, we push beyond our boundaries to satisfy our customers.

A presence beyond borders:
We are developing in new regions around the world. In Africa and Asia, we are providing customers with high-performance protection specifically designed for a variety of face shapes.

Trusted Partner


Trwa wczytywanie


Nasza wiedza i zdobyte kompetencje zapewnią Twoim pracownikom bezpieczne miejsca pracy.

Zajmie Ci to tylko kilka sekund!